Chandravijay singh

 Chandravijay singh

Chandravijay Singh is my friend who is technical expert. He has unofficially 2 name holder, Chandravijay Shekher Singh Gadwall, and Shivam Kumar Singh.  

     About him....

He is a good hearted person. Always be with his team, and he can do anything for his friend and group. A frank and clear person. I can't explain his goodness in a single blog or even full dictionary. 



He has not any permanent profession currently. But he is interested in social media like YouTube. He also own a YouTube channel Chandra's Creation. (Tech channel)

        His interest...

He has much more interest in cyber type thing. Want to buy accessories as more as he can. He mostly like to eat outside food. 


I meet him just because study, so introduction without study can't possible. He is good in study always focus to learn concept. Very much interested/committed to learn biology. Due to he want to be a doctor.


       Shivam kr.

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   Contact info...

1. Facebook:- Click
2. Instagram:- Click
3. Whatsapp:- Message

Thanks for read blog by:- Abhishek Kumar


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